If Someone Sucks, Please Try Your Hardest Not to Tell Them That, They Already Know.

Posted by Steve

Thursday, June 16, 2022 12:17 AM

I just played my first game with my most toxic team ever. I was third fragging on the team and they still were like, "He needs to try Aimlabs", I know my aim isn't great but I would rather spend my time playing the game casually than going into a separate thing to get better at aiming. "You aren't having any fun because you can't aim" I would be if you guys weren't assholes. It wasn't even a comp game, It was frickin unrated! I ended up muting them but that feeling is almost worse as you then don't know what they could be saying about you or actually callout to help the game. Thank you for letting me dump my feelings here.

EDIT: Holy Shit, I didn't think this would blow up. I thought people would think I'm just some whiny guy on Reddit complaining about toxicity. This is amazing. I came back from doing something and I had 40 notifications. Thanks for all the upvotes.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/vc26ye/if_someone_sucks_please_try_your_hardest_not_to/
  • https://reddit.com/vc26ye

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