Illumina is recruiting for competitive and casual gamers!

Posted by Steve

Monday, July 12, 2021 9:38 AM

[NA] The goal of Illumina is to build a top-tier organization and community through positivity, innovation, and collaboration. We have tryouts bi-weekly for multiple teams in which you can improve your game, gain team experience, and make new connections. We also have a very active discord in which players are constantly grinding ranked together. We host Valorant community game nights every Thursday and possibly other games on Saturday nights. Add me on discord (Fredelous#5119) to find out more info!

Players are required to abide by the following rules:

Violators will be banned

  • No toxic behavior, passive-aggressive comments, or rage quitting/throwing.

  • Players are required to have good sportsmanship and willing to take constructive criticism to improve.

Looking For

  • coaches/managers/GFX/VFX/content creators (contact Etkka#054 on discord)

  • top 1000 Immortal/Radiants high elo team

  • Diamond+ for ACAD team

  • Gold+ for watchlist

  • Any rank can join the community

  • Looking for **FEMALE PLAYERS** to form female team also **tryouts Monday, July 12th**


  • Potential sponsorships and investors

  • VOD reviews/Coaching

  • Scrim experience

  • Non-toxic people to play ranked with

  • Weekly community game night (Thursday 10 mans)



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