Posted by Steve
Thursday, November 24, 2022 10:07 PM
Excuse my english because I'm not good at it but
I don't think Kj should hold the spike when u don't have any other sentinels in ur team unless you have Cypher or Chamber that can care for flanks
Her utility has ranged and she needs time to set up. I always ended up dying when i do the plant and set up.
I usually place alarmbot and help my team to secure site then put swarm grenade on the spike then back out to care for flank and to stay alive so i can detonate my swarm grenades. I mostly clutch a round like these (i also do lineups sometimes)
I hate it when I plant the spike and lose that round because a flanker successfully kill us all just because my bots are not working because of range.
I'm not saying i hate holding the spike because i can plant depending on the situation. I just hate adjusting but still losing.
PS. I'm actually grateful that i have duo (my friend) that holding the spike for me, but when I'm doing solo queue it's rlly messed up
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