Posted by Steve
Saturday, March 4, 2023 5:05 PM
Hello! I installed Valorant a few days ago and I still have some questions that I could not find an answer on.
- Should I be "confident" while using the voice chat?
- Hear me out. When I speak, I sound like a 8 year old. The only way I can sound "manly" is to be extremly calm and lower my voice. Which isn't really easy in a shooting game.
- If someone keeps talking smack about my voice, what should I do? I know that exiting the game mid-match will give me restrictions. And /ff is just dumb to use in this situation.
I heard a few players say something which has a number and a letter or something like that. What is that? What am I meant to do when I hear it?
How much toxicity is too much? I already heard people saying "K#ll youself you bi$#h!". (Once someone said this to me, I'm a new val player don't expect too much) I know that some strong language is okay-ish in the voice chat but I think this example was a little to harsh.
(Not really about valorant) Is there a Discord server like Galorants but for boys? I know about the official one but what about a server just for the male audience.
Thanks in advance
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