I’m thinking of reporting Riot to the police for not making the snowman meltable by Phoenix’s molly

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, April 5, 2022 10:07 AM

Hey so I was playing Icebox, and the snowman can’t get melted. This is so infuriating. As a pioneer of realism in the gaming market, as someone which spent over 2000 dollars on skins, this is just sub par gameplay. When I first threw my molly at the snowman, I was eager in delight, expecting him to melt to the ground and his little sunglasses to just stay there on the watery heap. But no, I had to suffer a fate no human should have to suffer, disappointment, anxiety and depression soon followed. I’ve spent many sleepless nights thinking about this. I cry in the shower. I no longer keep my marital duties to my wife and I let the neighbour take care of her. My life has gone to ruin. I’m thinking of reporting riot to the police, or the next closest office in their country of origin, the CCP. I hope they deal with them accordingly. Thank you and goodbye. My patreon will be in the comments.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/tvj7ji/im_thinking_of_reporting_riot_to_the_police_for/
  • https://reddit.com/tvj7ji

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