Importance of a W mentality in comp

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, April 20, 2022 4:36 AM

I finally, after well over 1000 hours in Valorant, hit diamond 1, and I think that the biggest change that I made to rank up from plat to diamond was simply my mentality. I feel like this game is anywhere from 50-75% mental, and I swear that by doing a quick mental reset after every lost round, and by taking a breather after every loss, I was able to be much more consistent and overall play better. I have had countless games that have been down 2-10 going into half, and by just saying “ct-sided map guys, we got this”, hyping up ur team, and always saying nt even after a whiff, we are able to turn around and win. A problem I see on alt accts and lower elo is the L mindset to give up when one player is underperforming or you have a bad couple of rounds. Just wanted to share this and see what everyone else’s thoughts are on the importance of mentality in those godforsaken comp lobbies.



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