Instalock vs fill?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, October 29, 2022 9:24 AM

When you watch like coaching or tips videos about valorant most od the time the advice is instalock whatever you're "comfortable" with. But I think this is completely wrong, IMO if you want to rank up in this game you should be comfortable on multiple roles, not just 1 duelist, if you solo q ofc. Yeah, if you one trick you will do better, but what if everyone does that? It leads to terrible team comp most games. I play a lot of fade, I know reveal lineups for every map and can use my dogs and slimeball to get my team or myself easy kills consistently. But I'm also decent at omen, sage and neon so I can fill whatever my team needs and still be comfortable on the agent I'm playing. I had good success playing like this.

What are your thoughts? Do you fill or instalock?



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