Is Cifar BLACK???? [data anlysis]

Posted by Steve

Saturday, January 16, 2021 4:07 AM

As a cifar main, one of the most poplar questions I get when playeing is: is cifar black??? Before I learned how to play the charactar I was unsure if the legeand was true. Lets just say I defanitely suspeacted it from the start, and after many years of playeing cifar (also almost got to BRONSE last season but their were to many hackers for cifar to handle on his own so lets Just say Im an expairienced cifar player...)) I can, with 100% certainaty confairm that cifar is actually BLACK!

Data anilaysis:

Over the coruse of 8 spike rush games i Played and 3 and a have rounds of practice range medium robot WITH shields(No afense almost close to geting 15 but my Mom was yeling at me), I recived enough data to make sure if cifar is actualy black. My method involaved waiteing in the spawn until My team died so They can spectate Cifar to get a beter look at him. Next, once evreryones spectateing you, put down the cifar webcam in front of you. If you look closeley, cifar is wearing a sombero so its hard to see, but When you use his ultra abaility he has no sombero, and you can see his skin coler. After doing this , you can see he is actualy BLACK and bald!!! I tryed this over the corse of many spike rush and medium bot armor mode in practice range(never Tryed easy mode thats only for NOOBS, and hard mode is only for profesionals with prime vandle(i only have the Black vandle skin).


As riot continues to update the lore of the diferent agents, this revlation could have serious impact. Not many people before me knows that cifar is black, so who knows what riot has in store for the other agents. It could be posible that Killjay is a convictted felon or even Vipar has a secret gambleing adiction



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