Posted by Steve
Wednesday, December 8, 2021 12:31 PM
I enjoy Valorant, I like the game. I also know I'm dogshit at this game, and I'm not someone who can just 'get better over a season' like it seems 90% of people on reddit are going from shit like bronze to diamond in an act.
I played overwatch for 3 years and League since season 3 onwards. I'm no stranger to toxicity or trolling, but holy fuck Valorant has the most leavers I've never played in any game ever. Last act I kept a tally of my games - Out of 80 games played in ranked, 65 had either a leaver or someone macroing W to avoid AFK, with only 3 reports having had anything done about them to receive the 'thanks for reporting' notification. I'm Silver 2 and because of that the handicap of 4v5's is so astronomical to be down a person, an ult orb and some pocket change means nothing to actually even things. Is there actually any point to playing this game as someone who will never be better than below average when there is literally zero penalty to the people who leave and throw games? I average minimum team MVP 60% of my games, coming in close second to the rest, yet I'll lose 25 RR because no matter how close a game is or how well I do, this game punishes people who are down players.
Is there actually any point to playing ranked when the current ranked environment is such dogwater to people who aren't smurfing TTV Jetts who will ace every round because the chances of people leaving are so high? Like I know this sounds like 90% complaining and yes I'm tilted, but this is a genuine question because I really can't see any point or upside or anything to do beyond generic 'ooo just play it out and work on your aim' comments that don't do anything to actually solve the problems that Riot has already said they won't be doing anything about.
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