Posted by Steve
Saturday, November 28, 2020 12:31 PM
I've played ranked against som Killjoys that have abusing a glitch where you can put the turret under garage in Haven. Is this a bannable offence? I've reported them for cheating, but I feel like report system has mistreated me and does't work?
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What is your best map?
Personally, i fucking love haven. I seem to pop off everytime i play on it and have never gotten less than 25 kills on it as jett or omen. I just like the feel of the map a lot.
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Posted by Otto
Friday, October 1, 2021 11:19 PM
Is there no balance at all in Unrated?
Yes, I know it's not ranked but maybe some balance to make the experience somewhat enjoyable?
Why am I playing against 2 diamonds 3, 2 plats 3, 1 gold 3 if I'm Silver?
Posted by Otto
Monday, November 29, 2021 5:48 PM
had a wholesome unrated lobby :)
i was omen and the other omen and i were messing around and seeing what it looked like with our abilities out. when he's holding his tp, his soul/body glitches and stuff, it's wack
[selfie from the other sova's owl](
Posted by Otto
Monday, March 29, 2021 7:00 PM