Is ranked always toxic?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, May 24, 2022 8:41 PM

TLDR; Unrated = not toxic, Ranked = 2 out of my 3 placement games toxic. will it stay like this?

New to this sub, so apologies if this counts as whining in the rules, I’m trying not to sound like it.

I recently got my account to level 20, and I’ve played 3 of my 5 placement games. I’ve had a ton of fun getting to level 20, and honestly have less than a handful of matches where a teammate was even a little toxic. However, two of my placement games have been with someone yelling in my ear, and my most recent one was a raze who TKd me anytime I was below 50 health and near him cause I was unrated and “didn’t deserve his elo” (gold). I haven’t played Valorant since, should I just forget ranked or did I just get unlucky in my first couple games?



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