Is spike rush good for weapon training?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, June 7, 2022 4:07 PM

I’m silver 2 and I have been bouncing around (silver elo) and I left for awhile. Came back, all my aim went out the window. I can aim at some games but it’s usually lucky headshots or just raw skill but it’s terrible nevertheless. Big inconsistency. Never had the greatest aim. Anyways

I wanted to train my aim. Other than headshots, there are many different guns which work in many different ways. I want to train in all those guns.

The range I quit with that because there is no real action I usually can do really good in the range. And the practice defuse and plant i’ve memorized.

Deathmatches.. if I wanted to train pistol round guns other than sheriff. Not realistic to go against them with odins, vandals, phantoms, etc.. while training for pistol round.

So the big question, is spike rushes good for improving at guns. Obviously I won’t always be using the same guns but it seems more efficient than other options.



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