Posted by Steve
Monday, June 21, 2021 11:33 AM
So I'm Plat 3 and I mainly solo queue, I dont play ranked often due to the issues im about to list. I plan on grinding ranked to get to diamond/immortal(I know I can get there, as my aim and gamesense are pretty good and I can compete with people in immortal atleast aim wise) However I have been getting games where I am playing with silvers in plat, which i didnt believe was possible, and then the next game Im playing with high plat/diamonds like I should be. One of these games I had a silver 1 player who didnt know what a default was, it was, well infuriating.
I was wondering does my unrated elo somehow affect comp? I know it shouldn't but I usually play with some friends that are all iron(Teaching them the game). I dont know if they are planning to revamp the ranked system but I honestly dont want to grind ranked during the next Episode if I am going to get games that are this much of a coinflip Im just going to tilt. I know its not the fault of the teammates who are in silver getting put in plat lobbies, but it stills pisses me off which makes me not want to play.
Apologies for the wall of text, this turned somewhat into a rant and I partly wanted to see if anybody else was getting the same issues of either being placed in games with people too low or vice versa.
TLDR; Im a plat player getting put in games with silvers and diamonds(huge skill disparity) and its making me not want to play ranked
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