Is it weird that I don’t like playing comp and just want to play unrated?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, January 10, 2023 4:21 PM

I feel pressured to play comp. My friends care more about my rank than I do and it seems like that’s all they can talk about since the act is almost over. I’m bronze 3 and have been stuck at bronze 3 ever since Episode 5. I barely have time to play the time because of school and I don’t take the game seriously. It’s just a game I wanna enjoy with friends. I really don’t enjoy playing comp because I have comp anxiety and perform so badly. Everyone I know has ranked up 2 ranks higher than their placement. They’re upset at me because I haven’t ranked up and always have to 5 stack or play unrated with me. Am I weird? Does rank mean a lot? Is it unenjoyable to play unrated?



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