It feels like you can’t solo queue in valorant

Posted by Steve

Monday, December 21, 2020 12:31 PM

It just feels awful. I don’t know if it’s the matchmaking but I made it to high silver low gold but people never communicate, they never use mic’s. I had one guy use his mic when we were down 9-3 just to call out our omen for playing bad. Like dude why did you not use your mic the whole game, maybe with proper communication we wouldn’t be down 9-3. Not to mention the amount of people that just refuse to play the game and just troll or afk when you lose the first 3-4 rounds. Compared to other games I’ve solo queued in this one feels the worse out of all of them. The games are either 13-4 your win or 4-13 your loss, rarely do you get games going 11-13 or overtime.



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