It really is time for either Rankeds or an unrated MMR fix

Posted by Steve

Monday, June 8, 2020 1:06 PM

It really is time for either Rankeds or an unrated MMR fix

I know this type of post is pretty common these last days but seeing the lack of answers from devs i guess i'm just gonna make mine aswell. Not blaming the devs i know they work hard but IMO this is number 1 priority to fix and they do not think it is.

This is a screenshot from my last 3 games, full scoreboards here : and

The matchmaking is totally unbalanced and all over the place. I can assure you that at least 80% of my games scoreboard looks similar. There is usually 1 player hard fragging on each team, 2 medium player and 2 very bad players/fps newcomers.

It isn't fun for ANYBODY. It's not fun for a player like me who has a 1k hours on CSGO and grinded a bunch of aim trainers because i feel like i can't win a game without doing at least 35 kills and it's hard to be always 100% focused, especially since you basically have no help cause there is rarely any comms in those games (except for toxicity). I can't imagine it must be fun for a new player to be matched against someone like me either and barely killing anyone in a game.

I know some people are gonna say 'heh it's unrated why you care so much?'

  • First because it's gonna draw a lot of people away from the game

  • Secondly, as some of you may know Unrated MMR was used to gives you a starting point for your Ranked MMR and rumors (is it confirmed ?) say this will be the same for the ranked release. So in the end is it really unrated ? Your placement rank matters A LOT and it's stupid to have such unbalanced matches counting toward future ranked progress.

end of rant.



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