It's been a blast pack and a half.

Posted by Steve

Saturday, August 14, 2021 6:02 AM

To all of you lovely people on this subreddit, to all of the lovely teammates I've met, to all of the aces, clutches, suicides, and funny moments. Thank you for giving me a home, a community to be proud of. I was here from beta and now I'm afraid to say that my journey has come to a close. It's been 1 year of getting to know all of you, and this amazing game. Riot, thank you for the fun, the overwhelming amount of gamemodes for an FPS, the amazing skins, and most of all, nerfing the bucky. I love you all, but as of today, I'm done. No reason, I just feel that it's best to move forward. I hope you all get Radiant and that you get 3 aces in a row on your next game. It's been fun.




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