Posted by Steve
Tuesday, December 6, 2022 10:21 AM
I(22F) was playing a comp game with my duo in the rank b3-s1. Now I'm an average player getting 10-15 kills only. I usually main viper and omen and was playing omen on Ascent. This reyna was getting afk for the first two rounds, so I thought it was a dead game. Anyhow, she started playing, when she spoke, it was something about me, and by her voice, I knew its a girl. She said something along the lines of, "Omen, are you dumb?"
I was visibly confused and asked her, what's up? But she never explained. In these low elo games, people rarely communicate, so I don't talk to them either since they don't care. I smoke where I think I can help my teammates, and if you don't let me know, how will I know where to smoke?
This Reyna continued berating me for the entire game for no reason, and asked everyone to report me even though I tried my best.
This broke my heart. I always get excited when I find a girl gamer, but when girls turn on girls for no reason, it's just sad.
(It was Singapore server, I usually play the Mumbai server but switched to Singapore for less toxicity)
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