Just bc you’re playing Gekko doesn’t mean you have automatic ownership of the spike

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, March 15, 2023 8:41 AM

I understand that gekkos wingman can plant spike and you wanna try out the ability, but I’ve seen too many gekkos throw rounds just bc they didn’t have the spike and then die every time they do have the spike bc they don’t clear the areas to plant. Rinse and repeat. It’s getting super annoying when someone has a plan for spike but Gekko throws a tantrum bc they want it “bC iM gEkKo”

ETA: I agree with the ppl saying if your Gekko knows what they’re doing they should have spike. But if your Gekko grabs spike and goes lurking mid or just rushes to plant with wingman before clearing the area, then no Gekko should not have spike.

Edit2: I’m not talking about Gekko as an agent, I’m talking about Gekko PLAYERS. I know Gekko is a good agent, I never said he wasn’t.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/11qeg93/just_bc_youre_playing_gekko_doesnt_mean_you_have/
  • https://reddit.com/11qeg93

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