Posted by Steve
Tuesday, December 14, 2021 7:28 PM
Just want to give my two cents on toxicity / comms, how I've learned to adapt, and strategies I've implemented that have proven to have a high success rate on evaluating certain situations all of us find ourselves in one time or another.
You're playing comp - 3/5 people have good comms, one is toxic and the other is mute. Reflecting on a game I played yesterday, I had a cypher on my team that wasn't playing his utilities in conjunction with the team. Astra on my team had an awful attitude and kept ripping into the cypher for a couple rounds with zero response. I finally chimed in and told the astra that approaching TEAM mates with a highly passive / aggressive tone would get him no where. I told him the way you do it, regardless if the cypher wasn't comming, was to lift him up and encourage him.
I told the cypher, "hey man, look you're doing a good job at supporting the team with kills - we could just benefit with your cam and trips maybe set here and here. appreciate what you're doing, theres just some missed opportunities where we could find synergy and win these easy rounds."
INSTANTLY the cypher hops on his mic and says something along the lines of "just for that I'm gonna use my mic and you guys let me know where I can set up that best supports ya'll" - we went on to win the game.
When I suggested to astra that it might be the best approach to communicate with teammates using that style I was met with toxic toxic toxic until I had that response from the cypher.
Look - we all have bad games / days / things going on in our personal lives out of our control. Some times others just need to be encouraged with a "nt" or any other approach that doesn't involve belittling or back seating. I've found that if someone is in the game to throw, or isn't comming, or is getting annihilated by other teammates telling them they're sh*t or what the f this and that.. you can EASILY (and by no means am I saying this happens 100% of the time) turn things around and get that person in a good mental where they're a part of the team and participate in a way that is conducive to ultimately getting the W.
Moral of this extremely long read - you catch more flies with honey than you do vinegar.
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