Just got promoted to Plat. Now what?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, November 29, 2022 1:00 AM

Super excited as I just got promoted to Plat after I've consistently ranked up every month from Bronze 3 in June.

Not sure what to do know to ensure that I stay in Plat 1 or grow further.

One major thing that I changed is how I play my games. Here's what I mean;

I do my warm-up routine, which is about 30 minutes. I can usually tell during warm-up if I'm in the zone for Valorant. If I'm not fully convinced, I'll jump into deathmatch and if I'm still not sure I do one or two spike rushes.

If I'm not in the zone, I either don't play at all or just play one or two unranked. Regardless of how they end, I don't play competitive that session and those are the only two matches I play during that session.

If I'm the zone and I'm feeling it, I aim to play 2 or 3 matches. I decide how many depending on how the first one goes. If we lose and I'm shit, I call it a day. If we win or lose but I'm popping off, I'm going for a second one. And I do the same with the second match.

I never play more than three matches in one session. With very very few exceptions (I'm one match away from a promotion and I'm feeling well, doing well, I'm in a positive mindset, I'm relaxed, not tired, etc.)

In this act I have the fewest hours played of every act (apart from one, where I mostly played unrated). I have played 28h so far, where I usually play 70-80h each act, although there is still time.

What should I do now to ensure I at least stay in Plat or grow further? What are some common traps in this elo?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/z6fqsy/just_got_promoted_to_plat_now_what/
  • https://reddit.com/z6fqsy

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