Just made it to Ascendant 2 after being hardstuck silver-plat

Posted by Steve

Saturday, March 18, 2023 4:36 AM

Have an 11% headshot rate, so definitely not raw aim that got me here. Biggest tip I would have for those trying to climb is to understand the game's macro aspect a bit. No need to commit to a 5 stack rush A/B/C every round.

You can fake a rush to draw utility and rotates (they probably smoke site when they hear 3-5 making sound on a site, which makes rotating and taking a different site with no smokes blocking your push/less players on site much easier)

Playing defaults is also an option! In solo queue (especially lower elos), their monkey brains start panicking when they dont hear a 5 man rush at the start, so just wait for them to get impatient and let them push out and take your free picks! (Full disclosure, this will not always work. Adapt and mix/match these simple strats for a much better chance of winning than 5 man deathball)

(Also curious. Is 11% hs rate holding me back a lot? Or is it just because I tend to fall back onto shotguns/wallbang odin on ascent with sova often. Anybody with advice is appreciated regardless of rank)


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/11tha7h/just_made_it_to_ascendant_2_after_being_hardstuck/
  • https://reddit.com/11tha7h

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