Just reached Diamond 3 for the first time

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, December 28, 2022 3:38 AM

I started playing ranked back in Ep2 Act 2, and was really struggling to get out of bronze for awhile. Over the next three acts, I climbed out of bronze, through silver and made it to gold in Ep3 Act 2. Stopped playing because I got so frustrated with how stuck I was in gold, it just seemed like neither my aim nor my game sense was improving at all, and some days felt like it was just declining as quickly as stocks on Black Monday. Came back to Ep5 Act 1, made it to plat, and this act climbed all the way up to Diamond. I'm so proud of how much I've been able to improve once I realized how to stop tilting everytime a game went poorly for me, and I just want to say for anyone stuck in a rank, just take it one game at a time, and know that if you're doing your best and keeping a positive attitude, you will eventually climb out of it like I did.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/zw1zwp/just_reached_diamond_3_for_the_first_time/
  • https://reddit.com/zw1zwp

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