Posted by Steve
Tuesday, April 4, 2023 11:33 PM
I peaked Plat 2 Episode 5 Act 3. Currently I am Plat 1 climbing from rank-reset. I climbed from Iron 1 to Plat 2 as a one-trick Kay/O main, and I often wonder why Kay/O has among the lowest win rate, pick rate, and KAD and all sort of kill stats in general. (ADR, ACS, K/D, etc.)
I understand a good Kay/O can be annoying at times, and its pop flashes can serve Kay/O as a duelist instead of an initiator. But the stats are considerably worse in comparison to any other agent, even against harbor.
I am wondering if these stats can improve as a result of a buff. And if so, what kind of buff on its (I don’t want to be canceled but it’s a robot) util will likely boost his stats the most?
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has this happened to any else? and if so what’s the cause?

Posted by Otto
Tuesday, October 4, 2022 3:09 PM
Just wanna share a clip from me yesterday :) (Sorry for the bad quality)

Posted by Otto
Saturday, February 6, 2021 9:38 PM
A Nice Guardian Ace I got Yesterday

Posted by Otto
Sunday, January 8, 2023 1:43 PM