KJ abilities being used wrong

Posted by Steve

Friday, September 3, 2021 3:53 PM

Maybe I'm crazy, but I feel like I use KJ differently than most people and wonder if that's why she gets a bad rep, as shes not currently used in comp rn.

Most people use her to lock down sites and to just try to do as much damage as possible when they enter site. This makes her not very helpful when it comes to rotating or being any sort of aggressive.

I've found the most success from using her abilities more as distractions and information gathering.

Ex. When attacking, I always place my bot around the corner first as far away as possible from me, and then immediately turn it, shooting at attackers that instinctively shoot at the bot first.

Same goes for the ground bot. When defending a site, I put it somewhere where it will go at them right when they enter site and turn them either to the left or right (away from me). As soon as it goes off and they go to shoot it I peek.

Often use the swarm grenades in the same way. Throw them right where you know someone is and they immediately go to shoot it, giving you time to rush them.

This makes most of her abilities more like a sova dart that punishes them if they ignore it, forcing them to divert their attention from you.

Any other ideas for how to use her abilities more diversely?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/pgsmqm/kj_abilities_being_used_wrong/
  • https://reddit.com/pgsmqm

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