Love your team :)

Posted by Steve

Monday, February 14, 2022 4:07 AM

Ok, so one thing I decided to start with as a solo-queuer is that every match I play, I'll at least give one compliment to each of my teammates.

It can be anything from personal such as:

"Love your voice, it's really nice!"

"You seem to be a really nice guy, 10/10 would buy you a drink!"

or in-game related:

"It must be frustrating for our opponents that you are so much better than them"

"They gonna have nightmares about your B-hold for weeks"

And holy cow, all the love I received! <3

I've had the best matches of my life where we laughed and had so much fun together. So many new and wonderful friends to add. It has been a small gesture that has had an extremely large impact.

One thing you need to know, if you have a nice and fun time within the team, your performance will increase and the sky is the limit :)



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