lower mmr- harder to play against?

Posted by Steve

Monday, March 22, 2021 10:21 AM

I was inmortal, now D3, but now i have an new account, and i got gold 3, but, honestly

People in gold,platinum, are WAY HARDER than diamonds, inmortals, they run and gun, and seems like it works.

They do no sense stuffs, and it works, they are so random, and unexpected , that it works.

Its just me or its like this?

or idk, im holding an angle where they should wide peek, or jiggle ,etc...and they do weird stuff while running idk, and IT WORKS, i know its not me because when i play against higher elo, i play really good.

Its just weird


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/m9sxgx/lower_mmr_harder_to_play_against/
  • https://reddit.com/m9sxgx

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