Made someones day

Posted by Steve

Thursday, July 15, 2021 1:00 PM

Hey y'all decided ill share this as i feel good about it. Me and my duo partner were in agent select ascent ( we both have practiced support so duelist ain't for us xd) get this guy who wanted to take Reyna and then says he isn't confident but for some reason idk me and my duo both have had our share of baiting duelists or non supportive sentinels so we just told him don't worry go for it we wont hate on you or judge you, and man this guy popped off good calls decent flank to support team and the other duelist didn't get frags but still when our team was losing everyone kept it together and we won with a decent margin and the players saying thank you for not being toxic. Wo i just felt sharing just small moment of my game today with yall lol. ( fuck it bonus tip don't try to be a flashy player try to be a igl or just be boaster hehe).



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