Posted by Steve
Saturday, August 13, 2022 12:02 AM
Imagine Cypher with the following changes:
Camera cooldown after recalling it: from 15 seconds to 7 seconds
Camera cooldown after it gets destroyed: from 45 seconds to 25 seconds.
Ultimate: Replace the yellow outlines with something less distracting, and maybe increase the distance from which Cypher can cast his ult.
Cypher is all about information gathering. His camera on paper should be great at doing that, but the fact that the cooldown times are so long mean his camera rarely produces a significant impact on the round. 95% of the time, opponents are rushing your site, you enter your cam, they see it immediately, destroy it, and all of a sudden you are deprived of your main function (information gathering) for pretty much most of the round.
I know a lot of people have suggested buffs to the trips or cages, but I think they already do their job fairly well, and changing how the trips/cages work would probably take a lot of time. But reducing the camera cooldown times would take 2 minutes to implement, and the positive impact it would have on Cypher as an agent would be tremendous. It would allow him to finally compete with Chamber and Killjoy again (I also think KJ needs her cooldowns reduced btw).
With these simple changes, Cypher immediately goes from a D-tier agent to a very solid B-tier in my opinion.
What are your thoughts?
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