Posted by Steve
Friday, December 23, 2022 10:21 PM
So I was in a comp game today and someone instalocked raze. Our reyna said "wow instalock, ok I'm trolling" and proceeded to troll for the first half of the game. Judging by his responses to our team yelling at him, I could tell he was very immature and was obviously doing this for the attention. I could also tell that he was better than us, maybe silver/gold (it was a bronze lobby.) He would go for kills but never help the team(clutching a 1v3 then not defusing, etc, prob for the rr) I knew how fragile his ego was, so I taunted him, saying "Reyna, we could probably win without you. We would do better if you were afk."
As I expected, he got very angry. "HAHAHA i could win if it was 1v5, im top fragging lmao." So I said, "Ok, prove me wrong."
It worked like a charm; he started trying as hard as he could, just to rub it in my face that he was the best. Our team quickly went from 2-8 to 10-9. Our team, who was tilted due to the troll, also calmed down and their morale improved (they had caught on to what I was trying to do and was playing along.) I didn't like it but to keep him happy I dropped him skins, said good job when he got a kill(I literally had to talk to him like a child.) On the final round (12-10) the reyna said "See? When I try we win ez. Now say thank you for saving your asses." I told him He was an asshole and I just said that to feed his ego and get us the win. He obviously got very angry and tried to troll again but it was too late; I got the final kill and we won the game.
Probably the best valorant play I've ever done.
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