Map Ban In Competitive

Posted by Steve

Thursday, February 2, 2023 6:02 PM

I feel like mal bans would be a good concept in comp. Like for instance R6 has a map ban system to where each side picks 1 of 5 maps to ban and the last 4 or 3 are shuffled in the map. this eliminates the constant replay of maps or not gettin certain maps in comp. like personally ive barely touched haven, ascent, and pearl in comp and only been playing fracture and breeze and maybe split.

i feel like bind should also be put back into the comp que (idk why they took it out maybe somebody can lmk). If bind would be placed back into comp this would also help the map ban system bc then you wont have the same maps repeating in the ban phase. This concept has been in my head for a min and I havent heard anyone mention it (maybe someone has idk). I think it would be a nice addition to the comp playlist.

I also think that If they add map bans then agents should still be picked after map bans. the agents are already picked after the map is revealed so i dont think will make a difference. At most ppl could abuse this system and play only one or two maps all the time but idk how exactly that would work as long as the bans are out of 3 - 5 maps. maybe comp will need this system after the game hits at least 10-15ish maps

This is just an idea ive had so maybe yall can build off it iff yall agree or lmk if they mentioned this already.

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