Posted by Steve
Friday, May 19, 2023 5:19 AM
More Like This
I have played 5 games today and you are two of them.
So after this monster of a 56 round game in placements, I got curious. Is there a limit for overtimes?
Posted by Otto
Wednesday, June 23, 2021 4:50 PM
There’s no incentive to play when someone AFKs
Whether you surrender or play through it, you’re still bound to get the same RR deduction on the loss.
This game does not reward you at all for someone afking on your team no matter if you decide to play through it instead of surrendering...
Posted by Otto
Saturday, February 12, 2022 4:36 PM
End of season trolls lmao
bruh moment lmao
so many trolls end of the season man. Had a brim that only ran in and fought. A raze that only deagled. 3 DC in 5 games. Bruh this is like siege end of season man, ppl are actually just straight up unhinged now.
[Le Bruh...
Posted by Otto
Monday, January 10, 2022 9:52 PM