Mental Slump

Posted by Steve

Friday, April 2, 2021 8:12 PM

I just started playing this game with some friends about 2-3 weeks ago, and honestly I'm really enjoying it. Its my first PC tactical shooter and its also the first time I've started using kb+m too, so I always find myself bottom fragging a ton. The past week though, I've been doing especially bad. I find myself basically unable to get even a single kill for multiple rounds, Even when i finally find a enemy, i find myself unable to accurately hit them at all and instead proceed to get one tapped. I usually wouldn't mind doing bad, but i started playing comp with my friends the past week, who are all in silver 2/bronze 3 and i always find myself being carried and unable to do anything during the matches as i get one tapped every time i try to do something, which has tanked my confidence as i feel like I'm holding my friends down every match and stagnating them. I've basically lost my confidence to even shoot a enemy with their back towards me as i feel useless whenever i step into a match now. I know this might sound dumb, but i really want to know what worked the best for everyone and what i should do.



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