Micro-stuttering back in game during gun duels

Posted by Steve

Sunday, December 6, 2020 10:50 PM

This problem was seemingly fixed a few patches back, and now with the most recent changes, it's back again. Like others have already complained in the past, it's very frustrating to try and take aim duels. You never know if your shots are registering. Plus it's impossible to react and flick because the moment you get shot at, or start shooting, it's game over.

The weirdest part is, it doesn't happen if you're just shooting at walls or spraying blankly. It only happens when there are opponents shooting at you. What I've noticed is, I'll often be teleported back to where I was a millisecond before, and then die. And I've seen the same with opponents I'm shooting at too. Sometimes I'll accidentally shoot a little behind them, and they'll teleport back and die. It's very disorienting and there's no way to really aim properly.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/k7rmq2/microstuttering_back_in_game_during_gun_duels/
  • https://reddit.com/k7rmq2

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