mmr is stupid.

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, March 21, 2023 11:48 PM

Let’s be honest, facing someone who is 3-4 ranks above you isn’t the best, and what’s worse is: your stuck in the bullshit rank your in. Im s1 rn but 2 weeks ago I was shifting from b2-b3 and I was playing with high silvers- mid golds, it was so annoying.

And sometimes you get very low ranked players or very high ranked players, I’ve had plats in a mid silver lobby and irons in gold lobbies, it’s like you have to play above your mmr just to still be in silver, I mean honestly? A ton of you could agree that mmr is a stupid thing.

My idea is this: we could have a system where players get either players, 1. One rank above or below them or 2. The same rank as them, and rr depends more on how the individual does, not the team, I have match mvp’ed and my team got beat 13-4 and I lost 22 rr, then I team mvp and we win about 13-9 and I get 19 rr, then the next game we win 13-5 and I get 23 rr (I was mid frag) like that’s just blatantly stupid.

IMO mmr should either be reworked or scrapped



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