This game quite literally saved my life

Posted by Steve

Monday, January 10, 2022 10:07 AM

So I know the title seems like a stretch but I'm in a really bad place mentally for the last 3 years and can't get out of it. Like a year ago I started to distance myself from anyone that I love including friends. It got so far that about 9 month ago I didn't go to school anymore and laid in bed all day.

One night I tried overdosing on my medication, which my friends to this day still don't know, luckily it's only lethal if you take an overdose for a while. So I spent the night in the hospital and to spend my time I watched some youtube then I saw a video called "The most Troll Duo in Valorant" by Average Jonas so I watched it and I got into Valorant so much I wanted to play it.

When I was free to leave the hospital I went to school the next day and I heard my friends talking about Valorant so I asked if I could join that evening and my friends being the nice people they are invited me that evening. Since that day I play Valorant nearly daily and I'm closer to family and friends than ever before.

To anyone who read this thanks for following my story, thank you

PS. I didn't know what flair to use

NSFW, because of sensitive topic



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