Mouse suggestion to cope with sensory issues.

Posted by Steve

Saturday, April 29, 2023 2:41 AM

To keep it as short as possible, I gave valorant a try before as my first mouse and keyboard game and as much as I liked the game I just couldn't keep playing due to my pinkie dragging on the mouse pad.

I have sensory issues that cause me to cringe and get goosebumps all over when my skin rubs against certain cloths, pretty much the same exact feeling you get when you drag your nails across a chalk board. I'm most sensitive on my hands and everytime my pinkie would drag across the mouse pad I'd literally have to let go of my mouse for a second and rub my pinkie to make the feeling go away. (Just weird sensory issues shit)

A couple friends at my work have been talking to me about playing valorant with them and that honestly sounds so fun, so I went out and bought a razer Naga thinking the side rest would be enough for my pinkie but sadly was only big enough for my ring finger to rest on.

Is there any accessory for my mouse or even a different mouse I could buy to deal with this issue? Or am I just screwed out of playing m&k forever?



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