My 10 year old daughter aced

Posted by Steve

Friday, July 3, 2020 2:43 AM

My 10 year old daughter aced

Video (47 seconds):

I blurred the kill feed so as to avoid any issues. She's 10 - has been playing games like Fortnite for a couple of years. She is completely supervised while playing and doesn't use the microphone.. but I have encouraged her to use the Ping system which she uses a lot. She's actually a really good Sage - she heals and revives behind walls ... and even walls off choke points mostly correctly. One of her best plays was a 1v1 post plant where she walled off long C on Haven, threw a Slow Orb behind it and defused. It almost bought a tear to my eye.

I have a gamer in the making and I will live out my esport professional dreams through her :D

EDIT: My daughter is losing her mind at the attention this got. She's very happy. Thanks for all the nice comments :)

EDIT #2: This blew up so I'm having trouble keeping up with all of the replies. Please know that I'm reading as many of them as I can and passing them along to my daughter. My daughter and I truly appreciate the positive response this got. Thank you to everyone who continues to comment as well. You're all amazing!



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