Posted by Steve
Tuesday, May 17, 2022 7:00 PM
so i've been playing this game for about 5 months now and i don't feel like i'm improving at all. it's my first fps, so obviously i'm not expecting to be a god at it right away but i cant get out of iron because my aim doesnt feel like it's improved one bit since i started. it honestly just feels like i have no control over my crosshair, like i'll flick to an enemy, realize i've flicked too far or not far enough, and then try to adjust but i just can't adjust correctly. it's almost like there's a disconnect between what i'm seeing and what my hand does with my mouse, and no matter how much i play it doesn't seem to be getting better.
i've tried to improve it out of games too. every time before i queue i shoot bots with a sheriff and guardian in the range, i play at least 3 deathmatches with sheriff, guardian, and vandal, i've endlessly practiced aiming for the head, i've watched video after video about crosshair placement to the point where i'm thinking about it constantly when i play, and yet i still find myself spraying at enemies with a spectre and hitting them for 0 or burst firing everywhere but an enemy's head with a vandal. it's just so incredibly frustrating and discouraging
before you ask, yes i've tried turning down my sens, and it feels too sluggish and difficult to flick; i've also tried turning up my sens and my adjustments go even more haywire than they already are (its at 0.32/800 dpi currently). i really, truly enjoy this game and i want to get better but i am getting nowhere and constantly bottom fragging in iron lobbies is really making me want to quit. just wondering if anyone might know i'm doing wrong or have suggestions about things to try
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