My New Fan Agent

Posted by Steve

Friday, April 15, 2022 7:00 PM

-Octave (Duelist) A young lad from Cuba that loves music, fighting and his ukulele. He loved it so much he mixed them and made what he calls: Musical Fighting.

C: Musical Notes. Charge: 3. Cost: 100. Fires three notes that deals 25 damage each, to enemies. Left click to send them on a straight line but slower. Right click to spread them out but it fires faster.

Q: Speaker. Charge: 2. Cost: 150 Throws down a speaker that copies footsteps and deal damage in the area.

E: Guitar String. Charge: 1. (Signature) Shoots a string that acts like a zipline for 15 seconds. No one can shoot or use abilities on this zip line.

Ultimate: Rock Out. Charge: 6 He rocks out on his guitar and makes any enemy in a large radius deaf for 15 seconds.

Ultimate Quotes: Team: Cover ‘ya ears. Enemy: The concert has just begun



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