My offering to the devs (not low effort post :) spent 30 min on this)

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, September 1, 2021 10:36 AM

My offering to the devs (not low effort post :) spent 30 min on this)

So apparently I got to write a 100-word paragraph on why I deserve this gun buddy or else the bot will take down my post :(. So, I like to openly start this paragraph with a little background about myself. I am a silver 1 player who plays like an immortal. I have literally the best game sense in Valorant combined with my innate ability to accurately click on heads 100% of the time (no stats provided) I truly believe I deserve this GB. Additionally, I called up my mom as a reference just to further prove my point and I swear she said "yea give him the little keychain thing." Overall, as a talented player with many highly influential and well-educated people backing me up, I deserve this gun buddy.

Edit1: some guy told me to write down my username and password so they can find me so

Username: Zineless

Password: *********



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