Posted by Steve
Wednesday, November 9, 2022 6:02 AM
More Like This
Tutorial: KJ ult on B Tunnel - Fracture.
Alternative title: How not to waste the easiest win on B site on Fracture you will ever have.
Background: KJ ult is really strong. It detains anyone caught in it for a few seconds. They just kinda sit there till it goes away or you kill th...
Posted by Otto
Saturday, March 4, 2023 7:00 PM
I just met myself in a game today
Something super weird but also really awesome happened to me today. I was playing ranked with my duo (the phoenix) and a couple of randoms, after the game I was watching the match replay on outplayed and I noticed how one of the randoms has...
Posted by Otto
Tuesday, November 15, 2022 11:48 PM
Attempt at sketching out Breeze
Edit 3: [Touched up around B, Mid & CT. Improved clarity.](
Gave it a shot based on the leaked trailer, I'm still uncertain about CT and how it connects....
Posted by Otto
Friday, April 23, 2021 6:02 PM