Need help getting better with KAYO and in general.

Posted by Steve

Saturday, July 23, 2022 12:02 AM

I’ve recently started maining KAYO, and I like how he plays and think he’s very important; however, I don’t utilize his utility well. I flash my teammates way too often, either don’t use or waste too much util, or don’t know how to use my util. Sometimes I don’t know when my ult is a good choice, or where and when to throw my knife. KAYO seems like a great character to learn and climb with, but I can’t get the hang of it. I just reached gold with my friends who were also high silver/low gold, but I feel like I don’t belong there just yet. Could any good KAYO mains or just anyone in general give me tips? Or even play with me or watch me play and give me tips? Not just with KAYO, but in general. I really like this game and wanna get much better. Any help is appreciated!



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