Need More Flashes

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, December 2, 2020 4:36 AM

I was just playing on B main, Ascent. Walk in, BOOM! Skye flash. No big deal, keep walking, then BOOM! Another flash. Again, I hide for a second. Then I get flashed by Skye's 3rd flash, the enemy Phoenix's flashes, Reyna's flashes, Breach's flashes, and a Omen blind to top it all off. I died after the Omen flash, but I was thinking to myself: "Self, I don't think we got flashed enough. We need more flashes to gain a tactical advantage". I was thinking give Breach another flash, maybe buff up Skye with another, and Omen needs 2 more blinds so he can keep up with Skye. And they should make it so that full blinds have 2 extra seconds of effect. Fuck it, give Sage a flash too. Like a snowflake that bursts open or something.



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