Posted by Steve
Wednesday, April 29, 2020 5:57 PM
Please don't go down the same path H1Z1 did... changing a bunch of stuff no one asked for. I don't recall seeing anyone on Reddit, Twitter, etc complaining about the head shot noise. Why would you change it?
EDIT: Seeing a lot of comments saying people were complaining about not being able to hear the head shot sound was the reason for this. Never had that issue or saw anything about it until now, so thank you for updating me on that. This Isn't me shitting on Riot I've been grinding this game and want it to succeed I just feel there could be a better middle ground between the new sound and people not being able to hear the old one.
EDIT 2: Some people are saying they can't tell a difference or are curious between the Old sound and New, Here's a video /u/Malimbo made comparing the 2 if anyone is interested.
EDIT 3: They're reverting the Head shot sounds back to normal tomorrow, we did it Reddit. Confirmed via Valorant Twitter
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