Posted by Steve
Saturday, March 25, 2023 3:53 AM
I just recently got back into valorant after three ish months and I feel like I’ve hit a wall and I can’t get past.
I’ll start the day off with a game where I’m pretty consistently getting kills and going 15-10ish but then the very next game I go 4-17 with like 8 assists. I’ll watch the shit out of the “how to play x character” and memorise the call-outs but I feel like it’s not helping.
I’ll try to fill in for people when 3 of our team goes duelist only to get told that my teleport is in a weird spot or I’m not smoking right when I’m smoking in chokes or that I’m not being aggressive enough.
I never know how to play defence cuz I get told by everyone completely different things and I’m just pulling myself into a rut I can’t fight out of. I’m still having fun but as soon as I bottom frag I just end up feeling like I’m pulling the whole team down and I’m ruining their day.
I’m only level 25 so I feel like the answer is just “get gud lmaooo” but I just feel like if I take a break I’ll just be worse.
Any tips?
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