No matter how much I practice, my aim isn't improving. What do I do next?

Posted by Steve

Monday, November 23, 2020 4:21 PM

So I've been playing Valorant 3-4 days a week since beta. I've got over a couple thousand hours in other shooters.

I spend about 10-30 minutes in the range per day on this game (3/4 days per week). I almost always average 22 bots on medium difficulty in the range. I have moments where I crack 27 or whatever. But my daily average is around 22.

I feel like after this much time, I should be getting better, but I'm just not.

I've heard players say that once you get a sens, you need to stick to it and not get into the game of constantly changing it, because you'll forever be thrown off.

But I am hardstuck with shitty aim at this point.

What advice do you guys have?



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