Posted by Steve
Saturday, March 13, 2021 6:16 PM
Chatbans are automatic if enough people report you in a match.
Now trolls are given the power to get rid of anyone they don't like.
If someone is better than you on other team, you can instantly get them removed from ranked for a week.
If someone has a bad game, you can get them banned for a week.
Since it's automatic, any premade has the power to delete people from rank, this is going to be insane watching people get banned left and right.
I got chat banned before even though I never talked or typed anything. (I disabled chat because people kept saying the N word in comms). This is going to be a shitshow.
Edit: Riot developer says they made changes to the report system to make it less likely people will abuse this apparently. Still this is going to increase the amount of smurfs.
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