Okay, solo queue is a "coin flip", but do you guys feel the same way for party queue?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, July 27, 2021 3:38 AM

I've heard many people say that solo queuing is a huge coin flip. Sometimes they get good teammates, sometimes they don't, sometimes the enemy team is shit, sometimes the enemy team has Tenz on it. Considering the huge amount of random variables of solo queuing since you basically enter a match alone and you have to perform on your own to win, I agree with this.

But do you guys feel the same about party queue? Sometimes your friends have a good day and play sick, but sometimes they can play bad too which forces you to perform. Even though all of the party lobby is cracked, what if we get a terrible solo queuer? Or we're matched against a team with Korean Jett? Don't these cases considered "coin flip" as well?

Why am I asking this? Because I often get advice from my friends that I should always solo queue for a higher chance of winning. On the flip side, other people say that I should party queue more to reduce the randomness of the games we have, as I have explained in this post. Maybe both of these statements are true, but I think that I perform better when solo queueing because I can focus more on my own gameplay.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/oruqb2/okay_solo_queue_is_a_coin_flip_but_do_you_guys/
  • https://reddit.com/oruqb2

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