Omen Paranoia Idea:

Posted by Steve

Monday, July 11, 2022 7:00 AM

I got this from the name of Omen’s ability. I was thinking instead of just semi-blinding and basically deafening the enemy, the target’s teammates change from not having a color to having your preset of enemy color set on them. (Ex. Enemy’s are Yellow, once hit with Paranoia teammates are now also yellow) The definition of Paranoia states, “An unrealistic distrust of others or a feeling of being persecuted.” Meaning, by adding this enemy color on your teammates it can throw off the user that got hit with the ability.

If you wanna be extra cool another idea can be team killing, for example once hit with paranoia teammates turn yellow and if you shoot them they take damage. Since Paranoia blinds it won’t be useful for long range matters but you can still see around 1-4 feet in front of you, which is where you would be ‘paranoid’ of your own teammates.

Since the mini-map shows the position of your teammates this idea would only work for lower rated games. But you could fix this by blinding the mini-map for a short period of time while being hit with paranoia, kind of like when Omen uses his ultimate.



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